Board of Directors


Bob Chan-Kent, B. Com.

Bob Chan-Kent is the grandson of Charles and Toy Chan Kent. He has been privileged to have served on Board of the Charles Chan-Kent Golden Wedding Anniversary Scholarship Fund since 1976. Bob was born and educated in Vancouver where he attended UBC graduating in 1973 with a Bachelor of Commerce degree. He also holds a Diploma from UBC in Urban Land Economics.

His working career began with the family business Aero Garment Ltd. where he held a number of different roles.  When the family made the decision to retire actively from the Garment Industry, Bob started his own business Quantum Apparel Group. This continued for 15 years when in 2017 the business was sold and he began his next adventure, retirement.

Throughout his career he has been involved with the YMCA as a volunteer, serving for a term as Chairman of the Board, YMCA of Greater Vancouver. In 2016 he was honored to be presented with the highest award in the YMCA National movement- Companion in the Fellowship of Honor.  

Bob is currently the Chair of the Chan-Kent Foundation, following the passing of the previous Chair, his father Robert. He is very proud to be continuing in the spirit of his Grandparents and Father.  

Alison Kent

Alison is sometimes better known as Warren Kent’s wife ;). She was born in Vancouver and attended BCIT and the RAIC Schools of Architecture after a brief stint in Fashion Design.

After decades in Architecture, she now owns and runs ‘the Home Kitchen’, specializing in design for Chef’s at home and Restaurants throughout both Canada and France. She is passionate about all of the Arts - and their importance in any society and culture both globally and locally.

Alison is thrilled to have been nominated as Chair of Philanthropy for the Chan-Kent Foundation and is excited to help carry the CKF’s efforts as it grows beyond it’s now 60th Anniversary out into the Community it serves with it’s much-needed scholarships.

Scott Heal CPA, CA

Scott qualified as a CA in 1975 and has been a board member since
1998. Scott's charity activities include 5 years on the Board of the
Surrey Community Foundation and a volunteer to local food banks.
Scott's professional career was in public practise as an income tax
consultant principally with Deloitte and then PwC CPA, Chartered Accountants. Presently, Scott is semi retired and is a consultant with a focus on estate planning and income tax planning for closely held private corporations.

Marissa Chan-Kent, B.A.

Marissa Chan-Kent is the great granddaughter of Charles and Toy Chan-Kent. She was born in Vancouver and educated in Montreal at McGill University, where she holds a Bachelors of Arts degree in Political Science and International Development.

Upon returning to Vancouver post-graduation, she began to engage in municipal politics. She moved on to work in the provincial government as ministerial advisor and has since ran multiple public affairs campaigns at the municipal and provincial level.

Following in the footsteps of her father Bob Chan-Kent and grandfather Robert Chan-Kent’s extensive involvement with the Charles Chan-Kent Foundation, Marissa joined the Board of Directors in 2017. She is excited to continue the legacy of the scholarship and help support British Columbian students achieve their career goals. 

Nadine Katarina Chan Kent, B.A.

Nadine Katarina Chan Kent is the great granddaughter of Charles and Toy Chan-Kent and the granddaughter of Ernest Chan Kent.

Nadine graduated from McGill University with a Bachelor's Degree in Psychology and Behavioural Sciences. She is currently pursuing her Master’s Degree in Business Law, Contract Management, and Conflict Resolution at Arizona State University.

Nadine was born in White Rock, B.C.; she lived with her parents in Hong Kong for 10 years. This is where she first forged a deep understanding of social and cultural differences and their acceptance, developing a long standing passion for both education and supporting equal opportunity causes. She joined the Board of Directors as an ex officio member in 2022 and became a voting member in 2024.

The opportunity to be involved in the Chan Kent Foundation is a natural extension of her past endeavours and she is eager to continue her family’s legacy, happily bringing some youth to our Board!

Previous Board Members

Charles Chan Kent - Founder Ronald Milner
Father Peter Chow Chi Ping Peng
Wah Leung Toon Gunn
Ben Chan Kent Roy Mah
Robert Chan Kent Norman Morrison
Jack Chow Hugh Evans
Ross Dafoe
Erin Leigh Johnson
Allyn Fong
Ronald Yuen